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Social media peace of mind made beautifully simple

Take ownership of your social media records. Archive, analyse and protect your social media conversations.

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Industry leaders trust Brolly

Learn how organisations are taking control of social media compliance challenges and realising the value of their data.

100% Australian owned and operated

Data privacy is covered under Australian law. Secure storage. Mandatory for the Australian government. Ideal for any regulated industry or any business or organisation working out of Australia or New Zealand.

We speak your language. Australian support team. New product features relevant to Australian customers, solving Australian problems.

Is Brolly right for you?
20 minutes will tell you!

Book a 20 minute call to learn how Brolly provides social media archiving that protects your records, ensures you’re compliant with recordkeeping and data privacy laws and can save your social media and record management teams hours of effort each week.

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Latest insights

Everything you’ll need to know about compliance, social media, record keeping and so much more from the minds of Brolly

Blog article

Safeguarding people of concern on social media: a new era of digital protection 

In a world where sharing information is crucial, social media helps connect vulnerable communities. Discover the dos and don’ts of using it for effective, ethical crisis management.

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