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Flexible plans - no surprises

Brolly pricing is simply based on the volume of new records archived each month. All of Brolly’s features are available to you at all times no matter how many records are archived.


250 records per month

$ 108 / month


1000 records per month

$ 438 / month


3000 records per month

$ 768 / month


5000 records per month

$ 1098 / month

All plans include

Unlimited Social Accounts

Connect all of your social accounts for no extra charge. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube are all included

Unlimited Users

Any number of users can connect to your Brolly account at no additional cost.

Unlimited Data and Exports

Data storage associated with your records is all included along with any number of reports exports in PDF, HTML, CSV and JSON formats,


Looking to archive more than 5,000 records a month? Talk us now about your needs and we’ll put together a deal for you.

Contact us

Pricing FAQ

  • What is a record?

    A record refers to an individual interaction captured by Brolly, this includes any related multimedia files such as images, videos and screenshots of hyperlinks. Brolly stores each status update, tweet, post, private message, and comment as a separate record

  • Will my costs be fixed or will they vary month to month?

    Brolly will price guarantee your plan for 12 months. It doesn’t matter what happens to your record count during the year; you will know exactly how much you are paying every 12 months.

  • What is a social account?

    Each individual profile you connect to Brolly is classified as a social account. These accounts can be connected from a range of supported applications, including Facebook and Twitter. Even if you manage multiple profiles from the same top level account (Business Pages and Facebook Pages), each time you connect a profile it is a separate account.

  • Why is Brolly pricing based on records?

    We’ve tailored Brolly to be user-friendly, that includes pricing. We base pricing on the volume of ongoing social media activity — not the number of people using your account or how many profiles you connect. This means that we can provide plans that offer unlimited data storage and social accounts, whilst you manage your processes in the way that suits you best.

  • What if I exceed my monthly record allocation?

    We understand that your social media activity might spike occasionally, particularly in emergency situations. Brolly continues to archive all your interactions, even when you temporarily exceed your plan. If you do go over your plan maximum a few months in a row, we will work with you to find a more appropriate plan.

Try Brolly out for yourself

30-days free trial - No credit card required. Instant Setup. All features